Luke Rowson

Perfect Sense Ltd


Give us a brief description of your background

My name is Luke Rowson I’m a 30 (almost something) year old originally from Chester, I currently work as Head of Sustainability & Strategy for Perfect Sense Energy in Great Manchester with a previous career as an energy broker for eight years that lead me to meander my way into the sustainability sector where I have for the most part happily spent the last two years.

A cat dad, plant pot gardener, and consummate foodie when not in the office alongside constant murmurings of returning to the gym and getting back to rugby fit… an unlikely state of affairs! I am motivated to see more LGBTQ+ representation in the renewables and energy sector.

Who/what inspires you?

It is more concepts or a collective approach that inspire me a psyche or way of thinking that do so. A lot of reference and inspiration come from Japanese skillsets/culturally important acts with a ‘ritual’ element such as learning to be a sushi master or tea ceremony, the diligent and endless pursuit of perfection through repetition and respect of craft.

I often think if this level of care and focus was applied to many things we would be much further along. In that vein the entire sustainability community is pretty inspiring, the thousands of people driving change diligently echoes the above, I’ve never found myself in such a collaborative space and that’s pretty special.

What does the word leadership make you think of?

Leadership to me makes think of conviction and energy, really a leader should be either a guiding light or the ignition to a rocket (ignore the emissions factor) they should be the catalyst to inspiration and direct action. That is not to say its loud or brash necessarily as these can all be achieved in warmth and reassurance but the outcome is the same.

How do you feel about taking part in the Future Leaders programme?

I am very excited and I guess a bit honoured to be here. Its an exciting journey to embark on which I am sure will be challenging yet rewarding for the longterm.

What do you think are the keys to a sustainable future?

Really for me the key things, data, collaboration, engagement, and a systemic view.

We cannot act without data, the challenge is too great without collaboration, we need to engage and motivate our communities to act, we cannot just solve one aspect of sustainability, all facets must be improved simultaneously if we stand a chance.